Week 5 - Continuation of Bluetooth & Wifi modules

Bluetooth Module

We were given out another type of Bluetooth modules, the Bluno Beetle. We were told that multiple slave Blunos can be paired up to a master Bluno simultaneously, however, turns out to be false. After some testing and research, it is found out that one master Bluno only allows up to one slave Bluno as the first slave Bluno paired up will be disconnected.

One possible solution to counter the problem was through "switching" of the slaves. It is coded such that the slaves will be programmed to pair up with the master in succession while disconnecting the prior paired one.

The Bluno beetle model is faster, smaller, and easier to set up as compared to the HC models, but of course, the cost is relatively higher too (around 7x the price of an HC-05). One major problem encountered when dealing with the Blunos was the disconnecting of Arduino ports. Each time the code is uploaded, the port disappears. Despite changing USB cables and Arduino boards, the problem persists. However, with the exact same code, board, and cable, the upload succeeds when we used a PC at T12705. We were then instructed to work on the HC models after passing the Blunos back to Mr.Joe.
Figure 1: Bluno Mega (Leonardo), nano, nova, and beetle.

Basic mounting boards were made for the HC models. A pair of one-to-one master and slave was linked. The sensor(s) connected to the slave module will send sensor values to the master module periodically and at the same time, able to send and receive any messages to and fro between the master and slave.

Mr.Joe worked on the Blunos and discovered that it is still able to do one master to multiple slaves, except that the master has to be a mobile device. It is then decided to use the Bluno as the main Bluetooth communication platform and the HCs as back-up. We then planned to buy some Bluno Mega to do one-to-one communication instead as it is relatively complicated to code the several slaves to one master. Multiple sensors will be connected to the slave, to be sent to both the dashboard and the Lora (to be transmitted to chase vehicle by Lora).

Figure 2: Two Bluno slaves to dashboard (Master) done by Mr. Joe

Figure 3: Design of communication plan by Mr. Joe 


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